Hilo Hattie offers a wide variety of FIT, Group and Incentive programs that are designed to make your company increment revenue while providing convenience and savings with our One-Stop Hawaiian Shopping Experience.

Our FIT, Group and Incentive programs include:
- Free gift coupons for your customers – Candy, Mugs, T-shirts, Towels, etc.
- Complimentary transportation to Hilo Hattie from your hotel
- Internet commissionable coupons in English, Japanese, Chinese & Korean
- Commission on your customers’ total spending
- Volume Discounts on Large Orders
- Uniforms for your tour escorts
- Free group transportation from most hotels in Hawaii
- Gift certificate programs; you determine the amount $10 to $100
- Custom Hawaiian T-Shirts and Aloha Shirts - Create your own look
- Corporate and VIP Logo Items
- Gift Baskets to fit any budget
- Hawaiian Hut Events - Hilo Hattie brings garments to the hotel
- And so much more!
Lihue & Outlets Of Lahaina Shoppers Receive....
- Free Shell Lei greeting
- Complimentary Refreshments
- Free Food and Kona Coffee Tasting
- Sarong Demonstration
- Worldwide Shipping Services